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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Helpful Dozen Survival Kit for High School Students

Missing S. this weekend... too many meetings for both of us to drive this week...

We hosted High School Visitation this morning and so I was up late yesterday, making little college student survival kits.  They are silly but do get attention.  Students who chose to enroll in our program have commented later on how nobody else offered as much attention.  I know, I know -- I don't want students to choose a major just because they were given a little gift.  Still, if they are considering the major, why not?

Curious is anybody else is doing something like that...  Here is what I included in the kit, the helpful dozen for college student's survival.  Some of these are rather lame but I had to watch the budget, too.

1. Life Saver: For when you've had one of “those” days.
2. Hershey’s Hug: Everybody needs a hug sometimes. Chocolate cures many things.
3. Tea bag: Take time to relax daily and go over your list of blessings.
4. Band-Aid: For when things get a little rough. Everybody gets hurt sometimes.
5. Lemonade Mix: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated and healthy.
6. Gum: Maintain "stick to it" attitude, no matter what!
7. Lollipop: To help you lick your problems.
8. Smarties: You are smart and capable!
9. Mint: You are worth a mint and should be treasured by those around you!
10. Chocolate Nugget: Don’t forget to collect rich nuggets of wisdom from people around you!
11. Sweet and Low:  Always be sweet and respect others.
12. Ziploc Bag: Keep it all together! Stay organized!

I also included my business card so they can easily contact me, if interested in taking courses or have any questions.

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