Student: Ms. Alice, I have to run some errands on Monday afternoon but will come to your office on Tuesday so you can show me what you did in class.
Ms. Alice: Dear Student, unless you have a valid and properly documented excuse for missing the class on Monday, I will not repeat the entire class presentation. You can still work on your assignments, though, and ask specific questions.
I mean, really??? Unfortunately, I do get these emails from time to time. In fact, I get enough of them to include a disclaimer on the course syllabus. Apparently, this student decided to conveniently forget that policy...
Ms. Alice: Dear Student, unless you have a valid and properly documented excuse for missing the class on Monday, I will not repeat the entire class presentation. You can still work on your assignments, though, and ask specific questions.
I mean, really??? Unfortunately, I do get these emails from time to time. In fact, I get enough of them to include a disclaimer on the course syllabus. Apparently, this student decided to conveniently forget that policy...